Tuesday 22 March 2011

Health and Safety

As we all know in our health and safety controlled lives we have to be very careful what we do in some environments, films are no different and are if anything the strictest on health and safety as if something were to go wrong the actors could take the film producers to court over it. In our film generally heath and safety isn't too much of an issue as we only have very low levels of safety to worry about such as wearing a seat belt during the filming where the car is moving. However we have a sequence right at the end of our production where the title of our film, 'take off after' is written on a mask that is lit on fire, in order to achieve this we will wright on the mask then when using the paraffin to make sure the mask lights on fire we will only use a small amount at first as a test and slowly increase the levels until we feel it gives the right effect meaning that we don't use too much and create an unsafe situation. We will control the environment in which we do the fire sequence so that there is nothing else than can set on fire as a result of the mask being lit on fire and have a fire extinguisher present so the fire after filming can be put out safely and effectively.

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